Friday, October 1, 2010

WTF fella?!?!

I got this video from my homie Tunde over here at Check him out...he's got pretty good stuff over there...

Apparently I tend to enjoy the 'debates' on what women want/men want in relationships. And when I saw this video, I felt overly compelled to respond! LOL It's all in fun..with a twist of TRUTH! The video...

My Responses:
Thing #5-'s not that I'm a broke bitch.. We normally KEEP money because the boo normally pays for it. I'm not asking cause I don't have.. I'm asking so I can KEEP mine! LOL You not having now means you REALLY are broke and obviously DUMB to think I wouldn't already have it! :-)

Thing #4- Oh... the lil dick was ALWAYS an issue. We just kept getting what we wanted, so we tolerated and celebrated the baby paynus to boost your ego. Your boosted ego= my pockets stay on swole cause I'm spending YOUR cash that you apparently don't really have... because ..well refer to #5... LOL

Thing #3- well.. this one was just funny.. 'P*ssy ain't supposed to come with a pop quiz!' HAHAHA (oh..BUT yes- the paynus is STILL small... but I STILL need YOUR money that you probably don't really have to get my nails and hair did... LOL so yes...I will scream and act the part... refer to Numbers 5 and 4 pls!)

Thing #2- This one is funny too.. but I Wish a mudda flucka WWOOUULLLDDD lay his hands on me... LOL I'd kick him in his lil baby paynus THEN call the cops! LOL

Thing #1- YESSS I wanna know dayum it. I wanna know so I can get the neccessary tests if needed.. YESSS I wanna know..and if you say yes.. Imma be all up in yo face.. and Imma dare that you hit me..cause if you do..Imma (pls refer to #2). LOL But seriously... don't we can't handle the truth..we can handle the truth... we are just if you say something that's hurtful, we will react. If you tell me you cheated and I DON'T react... May I suggest that you vacate the premisis and do NOT..I NOT eat the spaghetti! :-)

Just a little rant... that's all...

Earlier today, I saw a tweet from a friend that said (in so many words):
Never take love advice from someone who is single and never take financial advice from someone who is broke

Now I've heard this before, but seriously people... WHY?!?!

Anybody stop to think that the advice the single person gives can actually be good? Anybody ever stop to think that the single person is single because he or she actually bettered them selves by DROPPING a mate who was no good? Anybody ever stop to think, 'hey, he/she might be single because he/she was tired of dragging along dead weight (the bf/gf)'. 'Hey, let me ask him/her how did he/she gather up the courage enough to break free and upgrade?' (and by upgrade in this situation, I mean from involved and miserable to single and grand). Anybody ever consider that?

And the one about the financial advice. WHY NOT take advice from a broke person? THe broke person has GOT to know how to lose money... So if he or she can tell you how to lose money..take that advice and tweek it (and by tweek it I mean- do the opposite!) Anybody ever stop to think that the broke fella/lady has learned from his or her financial mistakes and now can offer advice on how NOT to go broke? Hmmmm?!?

Yeah- sometimes cliches just sound 'profound', but are they really THAT deep? C'mon folks.. if you THINK you won't have to spit out cliches to sound all philosophical and 'deep'.

Anyway- random rants... LOL I'm done!